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If you are a small business, and are looking to incorporate methods for accepting payments, processing transactions or paying your own bills, you are probably living half-way between the choice of merchant accounts and traditional bank accounts. Both these types have their significant advantages and disadvantages.

Where traditional bank accounts require no special explanation, merchant accounts are agreements between a business and credit card processing company or a bank that provides such a service. Merchant accounts, therefore can be deemed as intermediates that govern the credit card payments made to your business, charging a nominal fee per transaction. A merchant account thereby takes over the responsibility of authorizing, checking, and safely orchestrating the potential transactions of a company.

High Risk Merchant Account

Merchant vs Bank Account

A traditional bank account is maintained for depositing and managing a company’s capital, its revenues. The bank account rolls out dividends, paychecks and wages of its employees. There can be, thus, significant advantages of having a local bank account. Bank accounts can be international as well, as the merchant accounts would be. But having localized banking services provides advantages like local subsidiary benefits, schemes and easier handling of the company’s cash reserves.

The bank account is also the drop box for all your merchant payments. A business, therefore, requires both traditional bank accounts and merchant accounts. The banks account can be considered as a safe for the company’s treasury whereas the merchant account can be considered as a temporary locker that enables the treasury to grow manifold.