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When the customer signs up with a high risk merchant account provider, he agrees to conduct his business in the ‘PCI Compliant’ way. That primarily requires him to not store the information of his customers. And if storage is absolutely essential, he should keep the data in an encrypted manner. Let’s read some more about how to safeguard the account and credit card information of your customers.

High Risk Merchant Account
1. Invest In Branded and Trusted Software & Equipments
While buying hardware software for his business, the high risk merchant should ensure that he only buys products that are certified ‘PCI Compliant’. Do not go for brands just because they are cheap or available on a sale. Only opt for tested and approved products. Merchants can check for secure providers on the PCI DSS website.
2. Do Not Store Electronic Data in Any Form
The merchant should not make the mistake of storing credit card details of his customers on his system. The law forbids all merchants to keep any track of this confidential information. Merchants are strictly forbidden to store the security code of the credit card or any other tracking details that might have been stored in the magnetic strip.
3. The Use of the CVV Number
The CVV is primarily designed to offer protection to the customer and to also inform the merchant whether the transaction is an online or over the phone. The authorization form, where the merchant writes down these details should be handled with utmost care.